VIP Services at your home, office or hotel room in Boston
and surrounding area.
Females only
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Excellent reasons to book with us
Save time
Fast-pace lifestyle, busy schedule, no time to commute? We provide fast service at your convenience. Contact us for home services - we come to you!
Busy mom
Tired of wasting time scheduling appointments? Experience an in-home salon without leaving your couch at no extra charge!
Great price
No hidden fees, no additional charge for home services. Pay for what you request only!
Welcome to Boston! Don't worry about wasting time searching salons near you. We provide service in hotel rooms and airbnbs as well. We offer great service at great prices!
our services
- $30
- $65
- $90
- $140
- $120
- $ 95
- $279&up
- $79
- $54
- $42
- $15
- $15
- $15
- $15
- $45
- $35
- $20
- $40
- $100
- $ 30
We'd love to hear from you
Hair removal services at your door step
Our aim is to provide the most essential and basic services directly to your doorstep without hassle. Sheer convenience is what we target by arranging beauty service professionals for a home visit.
Our services
Our professional services that we offer at your doorstep- Hair removel full body wax services, Eyebrows shape by thread, Brows and lash tint, Face cleancing services facial etc.
The comfort of home
Why is home services? Now a days every single person has a busy schedule. We are try to make a easier life to our clients book home services. You can at least save your time and the pain of driving through jam-packed roads and also city parking problems. The comfort of home means that you are saved from the inconvenience of travel or the waste of time commuting to the salon for waxing.
Hygiene standards
For all the hygiene conscious women out there, nothing can be better than getting a waxing at home. You know your sheets are clean, you know there are zero chances of an infection, and hence, you can stop worrying about the sterility of the process. We will provide you only with the most hygienic professionals so that cleanliness doesn’t become an issue ever.
Our products
We offer hard, soft, honey, creamy waxes and a special medical grade non-wax that removes hair with ease. Threading services provide with 100% cotton organic thread. Brow/lash tint services will provide with Hybrid Russian products. Facials services will provide with organic/herbals chemical free products.
How to make an appointment?
Booking an appointment has never been easier. All you need to do is to provide your requirements - the body part that you want to be waxed, the kind of wax you want to be used, and any other special request that you have- along with a convenient time. For more information you can contact with us.
Allergies reaction rash
During make appiontment let us know first if you have any kind of allergy reaction from any kind of products. We would love to provide your request to our techinician.